19 Modules


Hello! This is the beginning point for all members.

Please start with the inner sanctum meditation and the sacred space journal before going any further.

It's your initiation into Mystery School.


Foundational Module 1: The 7 CHAKRAS Detailed Guide

Learn all there is to know about our 7 Chakras, the key vibrational centres of our energy body. This guide will explain to you:

✨ What they are,

✨  What their effects,

✨ Understand the symptoms of Imbalances associated to each of them,

✨ Learn how to Work with them 

✨ So you can eventually bring them back in balance and have them activated.


Foundational Module 2: WHEEL OF YEAR - 8 SABBATS (infographic)

A lovely infographic to remind you of the 8 key cycles of the year, also know as 8 sabbats and wheel of life.

On your right you have a mobile phone version attached you can download to save on your phone images gallery as a reminder.


Foundational Resource 3a. MOON MAGIC Manifesting 2021 (7 UNITS)

This 7 part Module offers a comprehensive guide to moon magic manifestation and how to work harnessing the 3 key phases of the moon. These are:


✨  New Moon - what new intentions/ goals you're bringing in

✨  Full Moon - amplifying your manifestations

✨  Waning Moon - what you are releasing


All dates and times of the moon manifesting process are in there as well as writing templates for your manifestation and the whole process explained.


Foundation Module 3b: Why Bury Your Intentions in the Soil

This will help you understand why burying your intentions in the soil can help amplify the result.

This is channeled information that explains alchemical magic based on the law of 3.


Foundational Resource 4: Activating & De-Activating Crystals

A video that guides you through the process of activating and de activating crystals so you can harmonise with them and work intentionally with their energy and support.


MONTH 1 (4 UNITS) - Create Sacred Space / The Crystal Grid Diamond/ Sacred Space Audio / Dalmatian Crystal Intro

All 4 units of this month's resources are available for you to access and enjoy!

More information on each offered as you click on each of the lessons.


MONTH 2 (5 UNITS) : Raise Your Vibration/ Spiritual Gifts Activation/ Life Purpose Crystal Grid / Clear Quartz Intro

A very powerful month exploring the mission of starseeds and followed with an activation of your spiritual gifts by my Atlantian Guide Xaria that i think you will love.

This month's practice is all about raising your vibration with the emotional guidance scale a great law of attraction tool to help regulate and upgrade our emotions.

Use the attached journal to help you understand more of your personal journey with your energy and emotions.

As well as a new crystal and crystal grid to help hone into your intuition and support your energy.

4 units shared in 7 resources.


MONTH 3 (5 UNITS): Yoga Mudra & Chakra Mudra Practice / Lemuria Shamanic Journey / Healing Crystal Grid / Apophyllite Crystal Intro

This month you will learn all about the ancient ayervedic practice of yoga mudra.

Yoga mudra helps activate the 5 elements of fire, air, water, earth in our body and bring elemental balance in our energy.

Yoga mudra is a healing practice and in sanskrit it means gesture and attitude.

You will learn 9 yoga mudra practices here.

There is also a 2nd resource for chakra mudra practice, teaching you how to activate all your chakras through 7 mudras.


We will then visit ancient Lemuria as part of a shamanic journey to help activate forgotten memories.


And as part of our crystal inner circle you get to learn how to create a healing grid as well as get introduced to an amazingly high vibe crystal, the apophyllite.


MONTH 4 (4 UNITS): The 6 Human Needs / Inner Child Healing Audio / Aura Cleansing + Balancing Crystal Grid / Black Tourmaline Intro

This month we are exploring the 6 human needs and you get to identify how your life has been unfolding on the basis of your top 2 needs and what changes you might need to make in order to shift towards a different direction.


You also get to access a guided inner child meditation healing followed by some trauma healing for anything that your inner child might have experienced in the past.


Finally you get to find out how to create an aura balancing and clearing crystal grid and will be introduced to the black tourmaline and all its benefits,


MONTH 6: (3 UNITS) Re-Programming Limiting Beliefs in 1 min/ Shamanic Journey: meet your 8 Power Animals / Confidence + Courage Crystal Grid /


In this month's practice you re in for a treat as you will learn how to energetically release any limiting beliefs you hold around any area and aspect of your life before re programming a more elevated and upgraded belief that is to be of use to you and your life.

The workbook has all the details on the process as well as how to identify the limiting beliefs.


Following that, this month's shamanic journey is ll about your power animals and finding out what the primary 8 power animals are for you. 


And for this month's energy grid you get to find out how to create a confidence and courage grid, for those days where you need a little boost.


MONTH 7: (4 UNITS) Abundance Prayers/ Shamanic Journey for Healing/ Introducing the Selenite Crystal/ Protection Crystal Grid

In this month's module you will learn some very powerful abundance prayers that are there to shift your frequency and align with the universal guidance in a way that is freeing and liberating. Often we forget that abundance is a frequency that we need to align with and as part of the process there are some things that need to be surrendered to the higher forces.


You will also enjoy a shamanic journey where you will meet a guide in the upper realm to enjoy and receive a healing. Feel free to access this anytime you feel burdened and need some energetic support.


Finally you also get to be introduced to the beautiful crystal Selenite, one of the few self cleansing crystals that is known and loved by many.


MONTH 9: (3 UNITS) Understanding Sacred Geometry Part 1/ Shamanic Journey: Manifesting Your Dreams/ Prosperity + Abundance Crystal Grid

MONTH 11: Home Protection Spells / Angelic Connection Grid

Enjoy a couple of House protection spells for blessing and protection. This is not intended to create a defensive environment around your house, simply to create a container that can support the you and your loved ones to grow and thrive within it.

Healings and inner crystal circle to be added shortly.

MONTH 13: Sigil Making / Melchizedek's Cloak of Protection Energy Activation/ New Beginnings Crystal Grid / Introducing the Citrine Crystal

This month the focus is all on new fresh energy and how to call it in and anchor it in our lives powerfully!

Starting with a fun tool teaching you how to create your own magical symbol that encapsulates your own personal intention, also known as sigils in the world of magic.

This month's energy is a powerful Melchizedek's cloak activation! Once you do it this once you will know how to activate it at all times when you need it to.

Being January the month im creating this for, we are focusing on a crystal grid which is all about new beginnings and making a strong start at any new projects or anything else you might need support in initiating.

And finally our crystal of the month, the Citrine is all about abundance and manifestation to help you bring your dreams and goals into reality and expanding your vibration!



MONTH 14: PRACTICE: Create Energy Shields, Energy: Addiction Release Audio

This month you get to learn about 6 key energetic shields and how to create them to protect your energy. You get to find out what these different shields are and when to use them as well as how to activate them to protect you from any harm.

We also get to dive into understanding the sacred geometry of the Pyramid as part of our crystal grid modules.

As part of our Crystal inner circle we re introducing you to the Tiger's eye a gorgeous grounding crystal.

And the energy of the month is addiction release. Are you struggling with any mini addictions or bigger ones? Perhaps a member of your family does? This is one for those who want to support themselves from them.


Mystery School

Are you ready to create Sacred Space?

And for your life to become a Daily Ritual?​

​I welcome you to Mystery School.


A magical year long membership created with the intent to help passionate, soul fuelled women & men, create sacred space in their life and learn everything there is to know about spiritual protection, intuition and  manifestation without having to:                                             
Attend luxury retreats

Spend hours in meditation daily 

or Invest in expensive self discovery
    trips to Bali.   


In here you get to deepen you spiritual connection,
develop your intuition & experience expansion
in a supportive community of other magical beings..

who like you, desire to connect meaningfully and grow
​through an amazing range of easy to use
timeless tools & practices.



​The space created here is intended to get you in touch with more presence whilst turning your every day into a ritual, so you can process all the special moments you get to miss out whilst busy serving and loving. At its core this space is to help you create a truly:

Soul aligned, Intuition lead & Wisdom fuelled

Foundation in your Life & Work. 


                         IN THE MEMBERSHIP YOU GET ACCESS TO:                                    

✨  Shamanic Journeys for insight, healing+connection to the spirit world.

✨  Energetic + Healing Audios to help raise your vibe.

✨  Meditations to soothe and deepen your connection.

✨  Monthly Sacred Care Rituals + Practices

✨  Crystal Grids on Different Themes to supercharge  your growth and manifestation.

✨  Sacred Geometry Resources to harness universal  energy.

✨  Information on different Crystals and how to work  with them, charge them, program them and cleanse them.

✨  Moon manifesting magic on the 3 key moon phases

✨  Beautifully designed Mystery School journals, workbooks + materials to learn from and grow with.



" Working with Samaya has allowed me to uncover who i really am at my essence and to get so much clearer on what i'm here to do in this lifetime. It has opened me up to the magic of life in a way that continues to surprise and delight me, and supported me to embody my truth which is what my own work is about." 


" Samaya is an amazingly gifted healer and teacher ".


Modules for this course 19
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